August 2009
    Taiwan this Month

Published Issue: 2009 August

Revel in Diverse Activities
Multicultural, International Taiwan

With 500,000 people, the indigenous make up about 2 percent of Taiwan's population. There are 14 officially recognized tribes, each with its own distinctive culture. Most of these groups produce fine handicrafts that can be purchased not only in their respective part of Taiwan but also in some special shops. Let us tell you where.

On the international scene, the Taipei European School encompasses four sections (English, French, German and High School) with more than 1,100 students. This month, the school provides some useful information about their educational programs. The new campus sports a playground roof that provides shelter from the sun and rain, while generating renewable energy.

July was a hectic month in Taipei. There were celebrations for Canada Day, American Independence Day and French Bastille Day. The summer continues to sizzle with a Summer Music Jazz Festival kicking off Aug. 28 at the National Concert Hall and continuing through Sept. 25. Performances will take place at various locations; see our entertainment section for further details.

Don't, however, expect to catch up on your rest in September! The Deaflympics are coming to town. Hotels are already filling up with many fully booked several months ago. City officials are hard at work preparing to accommodate 4,000 athletes with hearing impairments, as well as about 1,300 coaches. Volunteers are busy learning how to assist whether for traffic control to sign-language. English, Chinese and the sign-language — the official languages of the Deaflympics.

Enjoy the heat!

Louise Byström