May 2009
    Taiwan this Month

Published Issue: 2009 May

Fruits in Taiwan
Taiwan's "Secret" fruit

Watermelon originates from Sudan and is calabash plant, with the Latin naming "Citrullus Lanatus". Taiwan's cultivated variety of watermelon is: Fubao, Honnian – big type and Hsaofong, Ginlang – small type. The cultivation of the fruits has been very successful and has won international recognition with an impressive reputation world wide.

Lycopene is a bright red pigment and phytochemical found in tomatoes and other red fruits. Watermelon has more lycopene than other fruits, especially more than tomatoes. Lycopene is good for the human body, to boost the pigment and a potential agent for prevention of some heart diseases and cancer. Watermelon contents of: water, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals which help us reduce thirst and improve digestions and metabolism.

Watermelon is best grown in the tropics. The harvest time is May until August. The major production of Watermelon in Taiwan is in the Southern part where an area of about 12 thousand hectare is allocated for this purpose.

How to choose a watermelon? Look at the fruit to make sure it has a good bright light green color, then turn it over and hit the watermelon with your palm and / or flip your finger to listen for a vibrate melodious sound.